Create Warmer Leads With Lead Generation Tools
Our Lead Generation Tools boost your email marketing efforts by getting you connected with your digital newsletter readers.

Generate More Leads With
Trigger Articles
Our Trigger Article feature turns your email newsletter into a lead generation powerhouse.
Trigger Articles give you the ability to directly connect with interested newsletters readers in real time.
Our Content Library houses a selection of Trigger Articles you can quickly and easily choose for publication in your newsletters. The topics and content of these articles are meant to provoke the interest of readers who may be considering your services. When a Trigger Article is clicked and read, you’ll automatically receive an email alert detailing who read the article and how to contact them.
Additionally, we give you the option to turn any article you choose (even your own custom content) into a Trigger with just a few simple clicks.
Monitor Leads Using Metrics & Reporting Tools

Manage Leads Using Mini-CRM Tools
Simple, robust email marketing to help you grow your business
With built-in content, automated email newsletter launches and top-notch customer support, HealthActions delivers the marketing tools you need.